What information would we collect from you?

The type of information that we collect in your particular case may only involve certain types of information listed. This will depend on the specific background checks that will be carried out. For further information on the specific background checks that will be conducted in your particular case, please speak with your HR contact at your company.

How will we use the information about you?

When conducting the background checks, we will verify that the information you have provided us and/or by your employer is accurate and complete.

In doing so, we may need to share your information with, and/or obtain information from your employer, our affiliates, agents and other third parties, which may include your current and previous employers, education institutions, and professional bodies and associations of which you are a member; as well as credit reference agencies, fraud prevention agencies, public bodies and other publicly available sources, as appropriate and necessary. Where applicable to your situation, this may include overseas queries.

Our data entry, order fulfilment, quality assurance, client service, finance and compliance teams may use your personal information to complete the background checks and communicate with you and the Company.

In some cases, we may use service providers to complete the background checks. We only choose service providers who prioritise the protection of personal information and who pass the strict organisational and technical security standards that we set.

If you intend to provide us with the details of an individual to provide a reference, please make sure to obtain consent from that individual prior to passing their personal information to us.

We will never sell or disclose your information for marketing purposes or use your information in a way not described in this notice without your permission unless required by law. This may include requests for information made by local courts, law enforcement or national security authorities in places where the information is accessed or processed.

Do we share your information?

Our employees are located in our operational centres in the United States, the United Arab Emirates, India, the Philippines and the United Kingdom. Your background check may be processed in one or several of those locations.

We may need to transfer your information to additional countries not listed above if we need to collect personal information from those countries as part of the background check, use a language other than English or engage the services of specialised firms to conduct certain types of background checks.

Further more, we may need to share your information with, and obtain information from various sources as necessary and appropriate for carrying out the background checks:

At no point, we use your data for marketing purposes or sell your data to any third-parties.

How do we keep your data secured?

We take the security of your personal information seriously. 

We employ advanced security measures in place to secure and protect your personal information. Our security measures include multiple layers of firewalls and alert systems, as well as specialised devices to detect and prevent intrusion attempts, and encryption systems to ensure data is scrambled when transmitted between systems. 

Our data servers are located within a securely managed infrastructure which is based on international standard ISO 27001/2. The online platforms are password protected and ensures that unauthorised individuals are not given access to personal information.

We employ equally rigorous physical security policies to prevent physical access to our data centre. Unless required by local laws, we do not store hard copies of any personal information. In case where hard copies are to be stored, we have measures in place to keep it securely in lockable, non-portable storage systems that are accessible only to named individuals.

All of our employees undergo deep background checks and privacy training. We allow restricted access of your personal information to a limited number of individuals, when required. 

We also audit third party service providers with whom we may need to share your personal information and ensure that these service providers have privacy policies in place to protect the security of your information.

How long will we keep your information?

We only keep your personal information for as long as we need it to conduct the background checks or for legal, regulatory or contractual requirements we may have to meet.

This is to allow for audit and the resolution of any disputes and complaints.

Once the mandatory period is completed, all information stored is automatically purged from our servers.

Your rights

You have the right to access your personal information, dispute its accuracy or completeness, be told its sources and to whom it has been disclosed, and modify or withdraw your consent for its collection, use and disclosure.

You also have a right to ask questions or complain about how we handle your personal information. To do any of these things, contact us using the coordinates below, or speak with your contact at the Company.


Mail:            ATTN: Dispute Resolution


                     PO Box: 38304

                     Dubai, UAE